AI Literacy

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Revolutionize the DoD workforce with an exhilarating, multi-faceted strategy that elevates expertise in cutting-edge domains like AI/ML, digital innovation, and data analytics.


"The interactive segments were amazing. This training took Al from the very top shelf and made it eye level and accessible for me. I feel much more comfortable with my understanding of Al and how I can implement it into my work life and our divisions mission."

"Excellent seminar! Definitely saw added value in being able to network across the organization, and got a great view of the state of Al adoption and some looks into what the future may hold."

"Great Al learning experience that is applicable to government work and is an invaluable application to everything we do on a daily basis professionally and personally."

"Overall it was a great learning environment, and really opened my eyes to the Al world. I definitely see things I can take back to my job today. As a hands on learner, I appreciated the many opportunities to play around with the different technologies over the course."

"Loved the class! It was informative, and I walked away with a better understanding on the technology and potential avenues for immediate consideration of application. The company briefings were great."

"Excellent course. If the objective was to become literate in Al, I think that objective was met. I feel much more comfortable with this technology and the challenges we will have implementing it. I'm excited about Al and the future."

Mission Operative


Comprehensive Approach

By addressing critical points in the lifecycle, the AI Literacy Program aims to develop the interest, knowledge base, and proficiency levels required to support and sustain our national AI strategy.


Practitioner Level

Conducting comprehensive Training Sessions & Seminars at the practitioner level is essential to effectively engage government personnel who are actively involved in the procurement and strategic utilization of AI technologies.

Previous Sessions, Seminars & Challenges

AI Student Video Challenge

Tradewinds sponsored the Al Student Video Challenge, inviting college students from across the US to submit 3:00 minute videos on a variety of Al topics.

With an impressive set of submissions from students coast to coast, judges selected 8 students who were particularly impressive in their creativity and grasp of Al.

Meet them here to engage with Al topics and learn about these cutting edge technologies.

AI Student Video Challenge Winners

Congratulations to the eight exceptional winners of the AI Student Video Prize Challenge! The caliber of your submissions reflects immense creativity, depth of understanding, and incredible communication skills!

Keara Taylor Lopez Subject: Concept of Natural Language Processing School: University of Maryland - Baltimore County Degree: Bachelor's in Computer Science & Bachelor's in Bioinformatics Current Year: Junior Future Career Interests: "I would like to be an embedded software engineer because I believe Al has the ability to transform embedded systems. I think embedded Al could be beneficial to some of the current disadvantages to only using cloud-based Al technologies. Potential Al chip usage over regular chips, for example)."
Audrey Chen Subject: Data Structure School: Michigan State University Degree:Bachelors in Honors Computer Engineering Current Year: Sophomore Future Career Interests: "I'd like to work on innovative products to better humanity, whether it be at the department of defense or anywhere else in the tech industry!"
Simbiat Odeshina Subject: AI Wildcard - Pick Your Own School: University of Maryland - Baltimore County Degree: Master's in Information Systems Current Year: Graduate Student Future Career Interests: "I want to further my career as a Systems Analyst."
Sanjeev Chauhan Subject: Concept of LLMs School: Duke University Degree: Bachelors in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Current Year: Junior Future Career Interests: "Working at startups to bring Al to the world in a safe way to maximize the impact on those with barriers to education."
Audrey Kim Subject: Ontologies and How they Relate to AI School: Rice University Degree: Bachelor's in Bachelors in Cognitive Science and Data Science Minor Current Year: Junior Future Career Interests: "I aspire to enter entrepreneurship or product management in order to create accessible technologies to better the lives of everyday people!"
Will Sullivan Subject: Responsible AI School: University of Notre Dame Degree: Bachelor's in Computer Science Current Year: Sophomore Future Career Interests: "I'm interested in working in government intelligence and the private defense industry."
Nohemi Morales Subject: Responsible AI School: Virginia Tech Degree: Bachelor's in Computer Science Current Year: Sophomore Future Career Interests: "In the future, I want to leverage my expertise in Al education, community outreach, and technology innovation to contribute to responsible Al practices, advocate for diversity in STEM, and drive impactful societal change."
Katherine Kim Subject: Role of Cloud and Data in AI School: Santa Monica College & El Camino College Degree: Associates of Science in Cloud Computing Current Year: Sophomore Future Career Interests: "I am interested in pursuing Cloud Computing, specializing in Cloud Security."

Tradewinds AI Literacy Program

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