GIDE Industry Insights Forum

The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office (CDAO) and the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), in partnership with the Office of Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering (OUSD R&E) hosted the GIDE Industry Insights Forum on July 16, 2024. The Forum focused on the upcoming twelfth iteration of the Global Information Dominance Experiment (GIDE).
The purpose of GIDE is to accelerate the development
and fielding of Combined Joint All-Domain Command
and Control (CJADC2) capabilities and concepts for the
Department of Defense to deliver information to
warfighters and senior leaders at the speed of relevance
and enable decision-making. Since its inception, nine
iterations of experiments have been conducted via
GIDE; experiments have been sponsored by leaders
from the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, all
service branches and international allies and partners.
CDAO, in partnership with DIU and OUSD R&E, will
continue to lead future iterations of GIDE.
Download PDF of the GIDE Industry Insights Forum
The objectives of the inaugural GIDE Industry Insights Forum were:
Introduce industry to the learning from CY 23/24 GIDE
Enable industry partners to support GIDE experimentation teams for the purpose of generating faster and more comprehensive outcomes
Outline the acquisitions opportunities to join GIDE and CJADC2 ecosystem
Increase industry knowledge of the CDAO data marketplace concept
Present JFN 2.0 requirements and way ahead and GIDE as a nomination venue for JFN capabilities
Forum Web Journal
This web journal is a high level, chronological capture of the forum. Graphic Facilitators captured key ideas throughout the day.

Press Briefing
Dr. Radha Plumb held a press briefing providing additional context on the GIDE Industry Insights Forums.
“Part of what we are trying to do in the CDAO is add clarity to the complexity of the digital AI space, both in how we are going out and finding solutions and in the bureaucratic processes we are creating so that both companies and the broader defense community can understand what we're doing.”
Dr. Plumb also expressed the importance of the press in helping to promote the intent and processes of these forums.

Morning Insights
“It is incumbent upon us to engage more deeply with industry to show what we do internally in order for you to point out what capabilities you could provide.” - Margaret Palmieri
Key themes coming out of the morning’s presentations include agility, experimentation, and the need for joint perspectives on solutions for our heterogeneous environment. Harnessing both industry and academia is a competitive advantage of the United States.
OUSD R&E Brief
The Joint Fires Network (JFN) delivers decision superiority by connecting sensors and weapon systems via a resilient network of enterprise and edge information systems to remove latency from data.

CDAO Brief
This section explained the Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace - what it is, how it works, and the Challenge schedule overview.

Closing Remarks
“Hopefully, today you have seen some of what we are putting in place. Models that are going to combine developers and operators to experiment with and accelerate delivery to our warfighters. We want to keep the entire development, test, evaluation, and integration chain together in a software and data-driven way. Seating developers and operators side by side will create more agility and acceleration. We're super excited about this journey and the potential that it has for the department.” - Margaret Palmieri

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